Since 1993


“If your spine is inflexibly stiff at 30, you are old; if it is completely flexible at 60, you are young.”

– Joseph H. Pilates

Since 1993

Pilates - the first step in improving your life

Pilates PLUS Studio opened in the Lincoln Park area of Chicago, Illinois in July, 2002. The professional certified staff, plus a complete range of Pilates equipment, will make it easy to inspire you to become involved and to incorporate Pilates into your own healthy Chicago lifestyle. Whether you are young or old, a fitness novice or professional,  physically healthy or healing an injury, we will work with your schedule to help you reach your goals.

Pilates (pronounced pi-LAH-teez)

Pilates was developed in the 1920′s and is named after the creator, Joseph H. Pilates. As a young man, he designed a variety of contraptions using old hospital beds and springs in a successful effort to overcome his own disabilities. Inspired by his rehabilitation, as well as his interests in gymnastics, diving, body building and self-defense, Joseph Pilates designed fitness equipment that uses springs for resistance and developed hundreds of exercises to challenge a person at almost any fitness level. The method quickly became popular with many people, ranging from those who are mostly sedentary to those who excel in athletics.